Download the Marketing Plan Outline Template for Business Owners. Your free gift.

A two page printable marketing outline template to help you easily plan for the year ahead.  It will give business owners a marketing to-do list and a general snapshot of their marketing situation, so you can start to turn this year around!

Download free here:



Need some help with planning or executing your Marketing Plan?

Contact Mindfield Design to help you with your Marketing or Design Planning and execution. Book your 1h in person/skype consultation meeting to discuss where your business currently is in terms of its Brand Identity and Marketing Goals, and where it needs to go to be able to attract the customers/clients you really want.

Mindfield Design is a boutique design and marketing studio based in Cape Town, South Africa. We work with clients from across the globe in different industries. We will analyse your marketing strategy and target market, work according to your marketing budget, and come up with a marketing campaign that will let you stand out from your competitors and make sure your message reaches your ideal client LOUD AND CLEAR.