Are you looking to start up a new business?

We provide a complete package including a company Logo, Business Cards, a Website and more. Make sure your business starts off on the right foot by portraying a professional image from the start.

Items recommended, please choose what you need below:
  • Logo
  • Business cards
  • Email signature
  • Letterhead setup in Word
  • Domain name registration, Email address
  • Email and Web hosting
  • Holding page for domain – while we are busy designing your website
  • Website design – we can start small and build up later if needed
  • Social Media: Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn setup
  • Emailer template design
  • Signage, Vehicle branding
  • Promotional gifts and clothing
  • Pull up banner – can easily be carried around
  • PowerPoint template for presentations
  • Posters / Flyers / Brochures / Fact sheets / Folders

Please contact us NOW for more info…